Services available in South-West Sydney
PH: 02 9610 4566 MOB: 0425 266429


Our yoga classes are held in South West Sydney Locations
Bonnyrigg Sports Club
Cecil Hills Community Hall
Bonnyrigg Heights Community Hall
Schools , Child care Centres and Private / Corporate Bookings by appointment
Phone: 9610 4566
Mobile: 0425 266429
Our classes will:
improve your flexibility
make you stronger (physically & emotionally)
tone the body
relax and calm you
improve your posture
help with your back,hip,shoulder + neck pain
teach you the TOOLS you need to cope with life better!
For more information on our yoga classes, studio and more, please see the dedicated

Not all yoga studios
are the same -
"I make sure every one receives the support they need to improve their mental, physical and emotional well being - that's my passion"
Gigi Neophytou
Principal Yoga Teacher,
Counsellor & Life Coach